In 2013, the new Family Law Act, S.B.C. 2011, c. 25 came into force. This Act sought to take away the sting of words like “custody” and “access” and instead be child-focused. The act re-framed matters so that we do not talk about a parent’s “right” to their child anymore. We now speak of a parent’s “obligations and responsibilities” towards their child and their child’s best interests. In the generic case where two parents have a child or children together and later separate, the Family Law Act says that each parent is automatically a guardian of the child or children. …
Category: Family Law
When we talk about divorce and divorce lawyers, we usually think of hostile attitudes and battle-royales in the courtroom. However, I’ve had many clients come to me where the relationship breakdown is amicable and, to their credit, they have reached agreement. Many people might question why they should go to a lawyer if they agree on everything already. Other people question the expense of a lawyer to draft a separation agreement. Instead they may turn to a self-help book to draft the agreement themselves or not bother to write down anything at all. For some people, they will be right…