
March 1, 2022

Defendants successfully oppose addiction claim despite the absence of direct supportive evidence

Harris & Brun

In Heffernan v. Charlish, 2021 BCSC 1882, the plaintiff who was injured in two car accidents claimed she developed addiction to heroin and crystal methamphetamine as a result of the accidents and the resulting pain and interruption of her life. The addiction had allegedly developed within 2 months following the first accident. By trial, the plaintiff was clearly suffering from addiction to both substances. Although there was no direct evidence of the plaintiff using either substance before the first accident, there was sufficient evidence to allow the court to draw the inference that the plaintiff had started using the substances…

December 9, 2019

More Harris & Brun Law Corporation Court Wins!!

Lyle Harris

In our last blog on the subject, we noted that court can be a bad place to resolve differences. Nobody likes to go to court. We recognize this and take every opportunity to settle the claims of our civil litigation clients outside of court. But sometimes there is very little choice. If you have a claim for damages, or are being sued, you will need a lawyer who has the skill to deliver an appropriate verdict in the courtroom. As you can see from the  Harris & Brun court wins we have listed below, and the ones referred to in…

April 10, 2018

Three things about the discovery process you probably didn’t know

Lyle Harris

  If your partner or confidant meets your lawyer along with you, you have waived privilege. Suppose you have started a lawsuit because someone has caused you harm or owes you money. You hire a lawyer who issues a Notice of Civil Claim on your behalf. The day approaches for your examination for discovery and your lawyer calls you in for an appointment to prepare you for your examination. Like most clients, you are a little bit nervous talking to your lawyer and you decide you want to bring your partner or best friend with you to sit in on…

July 14, 2017

Insurer-Defended Tort Claims: Know Your Rights and Obligations as an Insured Defendant

Harris & Brun

A contract of insurance that protects a client from personal liability provides two important benefits. First, the insurance company will indemnify (cover) the client for damages that the client’s negligence may have caused to a third party. Second, and equally important, the insurance company has a duty to defend the client against the claim brought by the third party (or plaintiff). The following summary highlights important aspects of the insurer’s duty to defend. This is general information that we hope will assist insurance consumers understand what happens when they are sued for a type of claim or injury that is…

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